In the text field, type testingcheats true and you’re all set to enter whatever cheat you need. To do so, press control+shift+c (command on a mac). To use pretty much any cheat in The Sims 4, make sure testing cheats is enabled. In addition to ‘Chopstick Savvy’ and ‘In the Know,’ Sims can also be rewarded with ‘Home Turf,’ ‘Critically Connected’ and ‘Spice Hound.’ Don't want to play this hidden trait waiting game? Of course, there’s a way to always get these reward traits without doing anything extra. You may get ripped off once, but the next time may go a bit better because you’re ‘In The Know.’ You’ll be rewarded for that with a discount on market stall purchases. There’s five of these in the new expansion pack, another is haggling at the Flea Market, for example. And once they do, you’ll be awarded a cool moodlet and hidden reward trait. There is no official chopstick skill, but your Sim will get better the more they use them. You may notice your Sim gets embarrassed or frustrated when using chopsticks for the first time. There are a handful of quirky hidden traits in The Sims 4: City Living.