If running on any monitor over 60fps, underclock it to 60 FPS exactly (if not done, your game will randomly hang during combat)

There's a bunch of friendly folks there willing to answer questions! If you have additional questions, you can check out the KotOR Speedrunning Discord which is linked on the game's sidebar on. This guide will cover the character build for the run, as well as a detailed route. A load-removal tool is available for LiveSplit thanks to glasnonck times are sorted based on load-removed times, since load times vary significantly in this game, and saving is frequent. Timing begins upon clicking "PLAY" after character creation and ends on the last hit on Traya. This route defeats Darth Traya on Malachor V as fast as possible without the use of glitches. This would not have been done without his intial work on the route! I also want to credit ChaosDrifter for helping me with much of the calculations and theory crafting into the category improvements. I want to credit 30cents for his initial route for KOTOR 2 Glitchless. Glitchless Any% Guide v2.0: Female Jedi Guardian Route Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords